Natural ways to treat boils | How to Treat furuncles-boils naturally

Boils are very embarrassing and it also causes pain to you. I remember having a boil on my left arm and I know how discomforting it was; so I always feel for anyone who experiences the same. You know, rather than always looking for the cure of boils, I feel it’s best to know what causes them in the first place.
The reason is, by learning what brings about boils in the first place, you can also learn how to prevent it and stop it from re-occurring.

What are this causes of boil , how could you get ride of it and how to prevent it from reoccurring in you body the you are welcome to this website.

At first what is boil, we all know what boils are, also called skin abscess or furuncles, its the part of the skin which is infected down deep in the root of the hair follicle, it is round, bigger than pimples, puss-filled, reddish, tender and it mostly appear sudden in any part of the body and can be very painful.
Boils are communicable which means they can spread to other parts of the body, then it is called CARBUNCLES. Carbuncles are very contagious, spread so fast to other part of the body, they are more stubborn, and they have many head, bigger and take time to heal but have no fear because it is same treatment that is use for both boils and carbuncles

What are the causes of boils?

•    Thyroid imbalance
•    Dirtiness /poor cleanliness
•    Poor nutrition
•    Eating lots of junk foods
•    Sometime all problem with our immune system
•    Toxicity, illness
•    Stress and decreases immunity
•    Skin irritation while exposed to harsh chemical

 What are the Symptoms of Boils?

Boils are always tough to treat because you cant treat much till the top which is the boil peak is soft for busting so as to allow the dirty pus come out.
This are the sign you may go through
•    Tough skin surface, round and swollen
•    Increase temperature on the part infected
•    Sometimes causes headache
•    Close lymph glands are sometimes mostly swelled
•    More boil may appear around the the original one
•    Infected part may look reddish

How to prevent Boil infection

-    Eat healthy
-    Avoid or stay away from affected person especially when the boils is bringing out puss
-    Wash body with antibacterial soap or liquid
-    Clean injuries and cut with antiseptics
-    Wash thoroughly and live in a clean and healthy environment
-    Don’t stay or live in a overcrowded area
-    Always avoid any unhygienic conditions


#The use of Turmeric to treat your boil

Method of application
-    Do you know that Turmeric have the properties of making the boil area soft and cure boil as fast ass possible as you require
-    Make a paste from the turmeric powder
-    Apply the paste on the boil peak or surface
-    Enclose / cover it with a bondage or cloth
-    Ensure you do this daily

#The use castor oil to treat boil

Method of Application
-    Get Castol oil
-    Get a clean cotton ball
-    use cotton ball deep into the castor oil
-    Apply the castor oil with the cotton ball on the surface of the boil
-    The castor oil will help soften the surface and bring out the bacterial in a form of a white pus
-    Do this for 2-6 days
Then expect healing as fast as possible by using this method.

#The use of vinegar, Milk cream, and Turmeric

Method of Application
-    Get the vinegar, milk nd turmeric ready for mixture
-    Take 1 tea spoon of the ,milk cream
-    Take 1 tea spoon of vinegar
-    Take a [inch of the turmeric
-    Mix them to make a paste
-    Then apply on boil
This will make the boil soft and heal fast

#Using Garlic and Onion Juice to Treat Boil

If you are looking for a “quick fix” for boils, then garlic or onion juice is an effective remedy for draining the puss quickly.
Application Method
Massage the juice or mix both onion and garlic in equal sizes directly onto the affected area. Garlic and onions have a rich blend of antibacterial features which aids the boils to heal faster and also dry up.

#Using Eggs To Treat Boils

Method of Application
-    Crack eggs, take the yolk (the whitish part of the egg)
-    Massage it on the boil using cotton balls.
-    Dress the boil using a bandage and leave it throughout the night.
You will notice a big change in the morning. Repeat this method daily until the boil is completely healed.

#Using Garlic to Treat Boils

When it comes to treating boils, garlic's can be used in different ways due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory quality.
Method of Application
-    Heat a garlic clove and let it stay for about 10 minutes.
-    Eat 2-3 raw garlic cloves everyday for effective results.

#Using Milk to Treat Boils

Milk has been an effective ally for treating boils over the years and everyone is catching up with the trend. Milk helps to fasten up the healing time of boils and reliefs you from the pain and swelling that boils comes with.
Method of Application
-    Heat up a cup of milk and add 3 tablespoon of salt
-    Mix it up
-    Add flour or you can also break pieces of bread into it (doing this will help thicken the mixture)
-    Gently apply a portion of the mixture to the boil and seal it up with a bandage.

#The use of Heat / warm cloth and moisture

Method of Application
-    Prepare or Get warm water
-    soak boil in the water, this helps to reduce pain and makes it release is pus early
-    Get a warm damp cloth of compact then apply on skin for about 15-25 minute and 1-5 times a day
-    Get ready for the pus to come out in 2-5 day
-    Do this every day till the pus comes out
-    Then you can press out the pus and wash with an antibacterial liquid or soap
-    Ensure pus is not left at other skin area so as to avoid new one from appearing.

Final Words
You don’t have to continue suffering from boils. As a matter of fact, suffering is outdated in today’s world as the internet is replete with tons of information on how to do things and it is the same with treating boils.
All of the method I have shared in this article are 100% natural which means you won’t record any side effect when you apply them.

Summarily, consistency is key when treating ailments on your body as you will need to continue with the dosage until the ailment is cleared so I advise you don’t just start and stop halfway but continue until you see the desired results.

I look forward to hearing your success stories with respect to treating boils.
I welcome questions here so feel free to drop your questions on the comments sections and share your ideas and I will get back to you.

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