The Adonis Golden Ratio Review – Best secret to build your body

 The Adonis Golden Ratio Review – It Is Time For You To Get “That Body” That Will Turn Ladies Head Around

There are over a thousand and one Adonis Golden Ratio reviews on the internet today and the numbers keeps increasing as the days goes by. While some of these program reviews are genuine and were written by real users of this program, others are sadly not real and whoever wrote them did so to achieve one aim- rip you off your money.

When it comes to writing product reviews like this, I believe a review is NOT genuine until it is written by a real user of the product/program being reviewed; that way they can share their real experience from their use of the said product and the public can then pick a cue from there to ascertain if the program is worth buying or not.

It is to this end that I feel it necessary to write about the Adonis Golden Ratio program since I have applied the information contained in the program on myself and gotten some results from it.

I want to thank Pete, the owner of this website for giving me the opportunity to share my experience from using this program to this world.

Guys, my name is Abel and this is my Adonis Golden Ratio review.

In this product review, I will be focusing on areas like:

·         What the Adonis Golden Ratio Is really about

·         The author(s) of the program

·         Why the program was created

·         Who are they and why should we believe anything they say?

·         A look at what’s inside the Adonis Golden Ratio Program

·         My final words about the program

I’m positive that you will enjoy reading this review as much as I enjoyed writing it.

So let’s get started…

What Is the Adonis Golden Ratio Program?

This is a program specially created and designed to help men get that “perfect” physique they’ve always desired to have. The Adonis Golden Ratio is a formula designed to get men the body shape that will be most subconsciously attractive to women.

This program is a 12-week workout, nutrition and supplementation program that tackles the challenges surrounding building muscles and staying fit while doing it in a natural way. One of the major objectives of the Adonis Golden Ratio involves getting your body as close to the Adonis Ratio as possible. All this is done for maximum aesthetic appeal.

Who Are The Authors Of The AGR Program?

John Barban is the brain behind this program and he also received from Kyle Leon (I’ll talk briefly about him in the following paragraphs).

Who Are They And Why Should We Believe Anything They Say?

John started working out big in his early teenage years but struggled to see decent results. He never really achieved anything worth talking about in his early muscle gain adventure.

Sick of being stuck in one place, John Barban decided to know more about muscle building and the human body. This led him into doing more extensive research and studies about the human body and what triggers muscle growth. In his studies, he find out about a lot of so called effective workouts that were very harmful and could cause severe injuries to the body if carried out. He was also able to find out some exercises that maximizes muscle growth scientifically and anecdotally.

Fast forward till today and John has all the information he needs about building muscles and keeping fit and is now a world class expert in physiology, biology and nutrition. He also teaches at the University of Florida where he is an active human performance teacher. John has so many best selling e-books  and programs about muscle development to his credit. It is important to note that John is the author of the Venus Factor program – another best selling workout, fitness, diet and bodybuilding guide..

Kyle Leon on the other hand is another world class author and fitness expert. Kyle is the brain behind the creation of the Somanabolic muscle maximizer – another world class bodybuilding and fitness guide. Together, Kyle and John’s experience in the fitness world is what makes the Adonis Golden Ratio program a top seller.

Why Was The AGR Created?

This program was created to help men who were suffering from low self confidence issues as a result of the size of their body put a stop to it. It was also created to show the world that there is an easy, effective and natural way to build muscles while staying fit and healthy in the process.

The AGR Is for every man out there who doesn’t want to be lifting weight just to build muscles and keep fit for the rest of his life. This program offers 3 different workout, nutrition and supplementation plans and each Is geared towards a particular goal of either fat loss, muscle gain or both.

The AGR is for every man out there who wants a ripped body to boast about.

A Look at What’s inside the Adonis Golden Ratio

The AGR is protected by copyright so I will not be able to reveal all that’s inside this program for you but I will do my best to make sure you get the very best information about this program.

Some components of the Adonis Golden Ratio include:

1.       The Theory Of Ideal Proportions

2.       Training Program

3.       Nutrition Software

4.       Online Community

5.       Meal Plans and

6.       Special Bonuses

Let’s take them one after the other;

To begin with:

The Theory of Ideal Proportion

The theory of ideal proportions looks into how the Golden Ratio is implemented into the AGR system. It is very easy to see men set muscle gain goals every now and then; it is a very good thing to do and I encourage it but the problem about these goals is the lack of specificity and this is what the theory of ideal proportions focuses on.

John Barban clearly explains how ancient Greek sculptors use their knowledge of the Golden Ratio to decide the perfect male body.

The theory of ideal proportions is one area you wouldn’t want to miss in the Adonis Golden Ratio program.

The Training Program

The training program in the AGR system comprises of the following:

·         Workout program

·         Nutrition program

·         Supplementation program

And they are designed specifically to achieve three major goals

·         Muscle gain

·         Fat loss and

·         Combined muscle gain and fat loss

With the training program, you begin by entering some information into a software that will determine your main goal. The information required is simply your body measurements and nothing else.

Below is a screen shot of the software’s interface.

The Workout Programs

The workout programs are very easy to follow and have been carefully laid out on a day to day basis to make it very easy for you.

Some of the workouts include pyramid sets, super sets and circuit training. One striking thing about this workout module is that it doesn’t include deadlifts this is because they tend to increase your waist and thereby making you look less attractive.

The Nutrition Program

Detailed emphasis were put into the creation of this nutritional program by John Barban and Kyle Leon. The AGR revolves around some basic dieting principles that you will get to know about in this area.

One thing I really like about this program is the Reverse Taper Diet Protocol which is based around the theory of fat availability. The theory reads:

The lower your body fat, the less your body will prefer to use fat for fuel, and the harder it will be to lose additional body fat.

This Reverse Taper Diet Protocol was designed to help sustain fat loss over a long period.

The Online Community

The AGR is not just like other muscle gain/fitness guides out there where all you do is just workout, workout and more workouts; here you have the opportunity of interacting with people like you who want to achieve the same goal.

You can share your ideas, get inspiring advice, and also get to see the results of people who have used the program correctly on themselves so you can know where to make adjustments.

Meal Plans

Another thing I like about the Adonis Golden Ratio program is that its diet plan is pretty lax. There are a ton of options to pick from and you can follow it for as much as you want. Here, the focus is on what you eat rather than how much you eat so you won’t necessarily have to let go of some of your nice meals J

The Nutrition Software – Adonis Golden Ratio Calculator

This calculator helps you track your progress as the week runs by. The nutrition software uses a very accurate algorithm because it takes into account weight measurement –which is a very good indicator of body fat percentage and overall health.

All you do here is enter your body dimensions into the software and it brings out a list of your weekly nutritional targets along with the body measurements you are to work for.

Below is a screenshot of what the Adonis Golden Ratio calculator looks like

I recommend you input your new measurements at the end of each week and also update it on the same day every week first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


Special Bonuses

Some of the very special bonuses included in the AGR are:

·         Bonsu #1 – Testosterone Lessons

·         Bonus #2 – Abs and Arms Assault

·         Bonus #3 – Specialized Training

·         Bonus #4 – 7 Days Out

Final Words about the Adonis Golden Ratio Program

The AGR guide will cost you only $37 and it comes with aonetime payment option. It also comes with a 60 day 100% money back guarantee meaning you can always ask for a refund

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