Stained teeth or discolored teeth mostly get in the way of a awesome and confident smile. So as to avoid that happening, you have to ensure proper prevention to avoid that from happening..
Do you know the colour teeth or stained teeth make look unclean in front of strangers who have not meet with you for a longtime or people who just come in contact with you newly.
There are so many factor that could causes stained or discoloured teeth which includes the following:
1. Tobacco chewing or smoking
2. Food or drink containing such as colas,wine,apples,potatoes and coffee
3. Ageing: the outer layer of on the teeth-worn away with age, revealing the real colour of the teeth
4. Most medications for treating other diseases, s well as the disease themselves,sometime causes teeth discolouration
5. .poor dental hygiene: sometime inadequate brushing and flossing to remove plague and substances.
Tip for brightening your teeth and keeping the shine from going away
Rinse your mouth after each mealAfter consuming some food and drink the enamel becomes slightly soft for at least half and hour or more so brushing at that timewould do no good to your teeth because it cause wearing and weakening of the enamel. So I will recommend you to always have a big sip of water after each meal and swirl the water around the your mouth to clear away any staining compounds and can try brushing maybe after 1 or 2 hour with a soft or gentle bristled brush
Don’t use tobaccoIt stains the teeth when you smoke or chew it.there is also the matter of this dangerous habit putting you at risk of cancer.if it has turn addiction you can get a professional to help quit
Get your teeth professionally washed
Make out time to visit the dentist office to keep mouth healty with some special washing liquid to keep your teeth healthy, strong andgive you a brigher smile,
They are many self help kit available to help you get your tooth white or if your teeth look abnormal with a colour you cant explain of without any improvement on all moves rto discolour it to a normal, try make appointment with your dentist.
Brush, Floss and rinse with anti-bacterial mouthwash.This three steps wish is to brush, floss and rinse with good recommended antibacterial mouthwash will prevent and help you fight formation of plaque on your teeth.
Mouth wash helps get the teeth sticky, causing it to wash off stain easily.